Ever since we can remember, the sight of a plane flying high above has fascinated even the technologically-gifted. That soaring beast, leaving jet streams in its midst, was manufactured by men. Just over 100 years ago, the first man-made contraption to ascend to the heavens brought literal wings into our methods of locomotion. Today, these mechanical birds have been transformed to carry, transport, spy, and so much more. A very select few are also especially crafted for use by the most powerful man in the world: the President of the United States. This incredibly special and secret plane is better known as Air Force One.
This speeding, intelligent, beast of a plane, is large enough to be called the Flying White House. However, there’s so much more that goes into Air Force One than meets the eye. Not only can Air Force One outrun a ground-based nuclear attack, it can travel near the speed of sound. Have we piqued your interest yet? Keep reading to learn the secrets of Air Force One.
The current implementation Air Force One (AFO) is based off a heavily-modified Boeing 747. Featuring three levels, the lowest holds cargo, the middle holds passengers, and the top is dedicated to the pilots and communications teams. However, only the President, close family, and specified guests are allowed to enter the place from the front, near the nose of the plane.
To ensure that the POTUS is alive, and certainly well at all times, AFO is stocked and staffed like a mini hospital anytime the President is flying. Not only will you find a team of extremely-qualified nurses, doctors, and even surgeons, you’ll find a comprehensive pharmacy and mobile operating/emergency room. The health of the President is paramount, no matter land or sky.
At over 4,000 square feet, AFO has plenty room for professional and personal pleasures. Not only does Trump have his own living quarters (including a master bath), AFO is equipped with a professional kitchen, medical facilities, several conference rooms, and quarters for advisors, media officials, and Secret Service as well.
Protecting the most important man in the world requires some serious capabilities. In case of a nuclear attack, the E-4B, otherwise known as the “Doomsday Plane,” a nuclear bunker built during the Cold War, constantly sits on stand-by while the President is grounded. When flying, the Doomsday Plane follows AFO while in the air. There are supposedly four of these such planes to exist.
The true secrets of this aerial nuclear bunker are certainly kept secret, but the facts that have been spread are surely impressive. Not only is AFO able to outrun a nuclear ground blast, radioactive materials and atmosphere are unable to penetrate the insides of the plane. As no surprise, the plane has armor-plated protection for its skin and armor-plated windows inside its glass.
Whether planned press junket or emergency, AFO is no slouch, despite its massive size and weight. The plane is capable of flying up to 45,000 feet in altitude, while speeding at a brisk 580 miles per hour. If needed, a top speed of 650 miles per hour can be reached… nearly the speed of sound.
If the need arises, AFO can stay in the air indefinitely. Well, concerning fuel at least. Like many larger planes, AFO is able to siphon fuel from a trailing aircraft using an extended pole as they both cruise at 35,000 feet. This ability is typically reserved for emergency situations.
When we mentioned that AFO had a kitchen, we were wrong. It actually has two. While meals are typically cooked and frozen at Joint Base Andrews, a fresh supply of ingredients are stored inside two, $12 million dollar refrigerators, ready for any changes in tastes. The small kitchen and smaller staff are able to serve 100, four-course meals, if needed.
For those of us stuck flying in commercial planes, the President is never without a phone on AFO. Not only can he call anywhere in the world, at any time, he can call using one of 84 telephones placed throughout AFO. Further, 19 televisions and even fax machines litter the middle layer of AFO.
Before 1985, Coors Beer could only really be found in the Western states. Therefore, President Ford took his presidential abilities to heart and flew out West. Supposedly, he would smuggle a few of the beers on board before flying back to D.C.. Even better, it was noted that Ford occasionally took AFO out West to simply fill up his personal stash.
During the height of the Cold War, Allen Dulles, the CIA Director during Eisenhower’s Presidency, had AFO secretly turned into a spy plane. Even at 29,000 feet, incredibly powerful cameras, installed into the plane’s wheel wells, were capable of reading license plates on the ground.
Like the need to keep the President safe from nuclear attacks, AFO will literally become the “flying White House” when terrorist attacks threaten the most important man of the world. With the ability to refuel, feed, house, communicate, and save the lives of those injured onboard, the President is able to command the nation from the comfort and safety of AFO.
As expected, when AFO departs the runway or is on course to land, it is given absolutely priority with air traffic controllers. While the plane often lands at military airports, all nearby commercial and private flights are halted. Once the plane is grounded, a unique AFO team manages all internal and external flight commendations.
AFO is known to cater to its President and guests. For those that once knew him, it was widely accepted that Ronald Raegan loved jelly beans. Supposedly, he toured the White House as a boy and was handed a few to enjoy. He instantly saw the candy as American. Therefore, he always had a stash upon AFO.
Even more impressive, AFO knew exactly how all guests, no matter the distinction, took their coffee. President Bush had his black with Equal, while his Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, took hers decaf, with Equal and cream as side compliments.
How 96 was calculated to be the best number of passengers onboard the AFO is unknown, but supposedly it is the ideal number. However, don’t believe for a second that journalist are riding and dining for free. One trip aboard the plane is $80,000. Due to this insane cost, many fly within the charter plane that safely follows AFO.
As expected, security on AFO is tightly controlled. Even though more than half of available seats are for Secret Service and press, everyone has arranged seating. Journalists may walk towards the back of the plane from their assigned seat but they are not allowed to walk past it.
You may be wondering how much one AFO plan may cost. Well, try $380 million. Wait, that’s wrong. That’s only the cost of the Boeing 747, before customization. To reach the cost of the actual AFO with all needed security, communication, and pleasantries included, the US spends $660 million on one plane.
With this $660 million dollar price tag, the US actually sends multiple payments to Boeing. Just one of these (several) payments? $140 million. What’s more incredible is that Trump signed a new contract with Boeing for a new AFO agreement worth $3.9 billion.
The Department of Homeland Security was created in 2002 while President Bush was flying to Berlin. The Department is meant to deal with border security and customs, anti-terrorism, and cybersecurity. It was created as a direct response after the September 11 (9/11) attacks.
It’s proper mission: “The mission of the Office will be to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The Office will coordinate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.”
It’s proper mission: “The mission of the Office will be to develop and coordinate the implementation of a comprehensive national strategy to secure the United States from terrorist threats or attacks. The Office will coordinate the executive branch’s efforts to detect, prepare for, prevent, protect against, respond to, and recover from terrorist attacks within the United States.”
The commander of the plane… not the pilot but the President, take charge of the radio and associated music while flying. For example, President Clinton loved to play Jazz on-board. Many took issue with the high volume, unfortunately. Clinton blamed this habit on his own poor hearing.
The cost to operate a commercial-flying 747 stands anywhere from $20,000 to $25,000 an hour. A large amount. But, flying AFO for one hour requires nearly $200,000. This huge number is simply derived from the dozens of personal, aircraft, and vehicles needed to safely transport the President.
At a cost of $660 million, AFO is expected to be packing a punch, whether it looks the part or not. In order to power and control all the electronics, necessities, and pleasantries of the plane, over 240 miles of electrical wiring is needed. Imagine trying to find the one electrical dud…
Like commercial flights, video entertainment is common on AFO. However, the film Fargo was named as “the record-holder of Longest Playing Film Abroad Air Force One” by journalist Helen Thomas. President Clinton mentioned that he played the film at least 25 times during his second-term campaign trail.
While the name Air Force One implies one plane, there are actually two plans at the ready to serve as Air Force One at any given time in case of national emergency. According to the White House, the only differences are the tail codes: 28000 and 29000 respectively.
The name Air Force One was created after after a 1953 incident when an Eastern Air Lines flight flew into the same airspace as President Dwight D. Eisenhower’s plane, which was going by the call sign Air Force 8610 at the time. The Air Force One nomenclature was created to ensure that the president’s plane was easy to identify and avoid.
In recent years, the government has run into a major issue finding replacement parts for Air Force One, because Boeing has shut down production of the 747-200 model. According to one source, the government has been forced to scavenge for parts at airplane graveyards in the dessert.
The aforementioned issue with finding new replacement parts is a major part of the reason Barack Obama ordered a replacement fleet for Air Force One during his administration. The new planes, based on the 747-8 series, are expected to be ready in 2024 and cost a whopping $3 billion.
There is a touring museum-like program known as the Air Force One Experience that features recreations of the interior of Air Force One, a real 747 exterior, and a guided audio tour “narrated by Chief Master Sergeant Howie Franklin, head flight attendant for five consecutive presidents.”