Tips for helping your children to learn the alphabet effectively


Tips for helping your children to learn the alphabet effectively

Teaching children to learn the alphabet will help them be smart and have a basic foundation for the future. However, it is not an easy thing to teach children. Here, we guide parents on how to teach your children to be interested in learning the alphabet!

Tips for helping your children to learn the alphabet effectively

I. Should children learn the alphabet at an early age?

Children who have been acquainted with the alphabet are excited to come to school

Many mothers wonder if they should teach their children to learn letters before sending them to school. The different answers depend on the parent’s teaching style. If parents apply it correctly, children can initially get acquainted with letters and bring many benefits such as below:

1. Help children confidently go to school, like learning

  •     Children who have been familiar with the alphabet are excited to come to school and confident because they absorb new knowledge easily when they come to class.
  •     If the child’s learning is slower than expected, parents should not jump to conclusions about the child. First, seeing if your teaching style is really suitable for your children? If children are not properly oriented and not supported, learning can easily become a burden and even form the concept of “I do not want to learn” in their mind.
  •     When children are criticized or reprimanded by their parents at an early age, children can lose their confidence and see themselves as ” not very intelligent”.

2. Developing thinking skill

  •     Teaching children to learn letters helps children’s brains develop and increase their ability to observe and perceive. Do not prompt or force the child.
  •     Parents should use love, care and patience to let their children be interested in having good psychology for studying.
  •     From this point, children can effectively absorb new knowledge and progress faster and faster.

3. Self-directed learning

When parents patiently teach their children to learn letters at a certain time each day, they form the learning habit right before going to school. This is a very meaningful basic foundation for the child’s self-study path in the future.

II. The right period to teach children to learn alphabet

Different levels and teaching methods

  •     Perception and curiosity to explore allow 2-3 year olds children to start learning and remembering letters. However, for teaching children to learn letters effectively, mothers need to have patience, and should not expect children to learn letters quickly in a short time.
  •     Each level is different and the teaching method is also different. Teaching a three-year-old child to learn letters is different from a five-year-old child.
  •     3-year-old children are pretty small, so get familiar with the letters. Five-year-olds need a little more discipline, but not too much pressure.
  •     With 3-year-old children, mothers should only let children familiarize themselves with the alphabet in a way that they can both learn and play.

III. How to teach children to learn letters effectively

 1. Teach only one word at a time

Not over-teaching because children’s brains are still very immature and mothers can’t stand the pressure of trying to let them learn many words at the same time.

The first rule when teaching children to learn letters is to teach them one word at a time and repeat many times. Each word will be a separate topic. Write and read letters so your children can imitate you and repeat them over and over.

With that way, your children can remember and remember longer than learning a lot of letters a day.

2. Teach your child with songs

This is a way to teach children to learn the alphabet properly, not dry, and can be applied anytime, anywhere for children such as: when playing, bathing, before going to bed, … Children learn by repetition. Many times, the word will easily memorize the lyrics and remember the letters in each verse. Besides, this method also helps children practice singing and dancing skills.

 3. Use the Cards

Parents can buy flashcards at bookstores. If you have time, make your own handmade paper cards (for cardboard, cut the paper with the palm of your hand, write capital letters on each piece of paper, sew the paper with thread or staples, cut holes and cut a screwdriver).

Parents can buy printed cards at bookstores

4. Read books

  •     Many mothers believe that children who don’t know how to read and write cannot read books together with their children. This is not right in any case because the mother can read books for the baby and the baby may not know, but the baby can see the colorful pictures, feel the pictures of the letters, gradually get to know and feel familiar with these letters.
  •     Simple short stories filled with illustrations spark children’s imagination and interest.
  •     This method helps children develop the interest of books at an early age, builds reading habits and lays the foundation for self-discovery and self-study in the future.

There will be many interesting methods to teach children to learn the alphabet. However, in this above article, we have introduced to readers simple teaching methods that bring high efficiency. In addition, parents can refer to more ways to teach children with speech delay in the Education section.