These Ridiculous Answers From Kids on Tests Will Have You Cracking Up


Kids say the darnedest things, don’t they?

Any parent knows that children have quite a way with words, and that’s most noticeable when they’re at school.

While we love to think that our kids are little angels in the classroom, we all know that sometimes they don’t exactly give the correct, or even appropriate, answer. Considering a child’s innocence and imagination, some test answers from kids are outrageous and downright hilarious. Conversations with your child’s teacher will often yield some comical stories about that.

Don’t even get me started on the older kids.

Good luck containing your laughter at these hilariously clever test answers from kids. You’ll come to see just how creative these kids can be when they don’t know the right answers. Click through the gallery and find your favorite!

I Mean, Technically…

I Mean, Technically...

Source: Pinterest

I mean, the kid’s not wrong … and in their defense, I’m not sure that I or any average adult knows six different animals living in the Arctic.

No. 1 Hugh Jackman Fan

No. 1 Hugh Jackman Fan

Source: Reddit

I’m a little taken aback by the fact that the teacher crossed this answer out. It seems like an opinion question, so technically, this kid can’t be wrong. Oh, and I agree with you, kid.

No Hablo Español

No Hablo Español

Source: Pinterest

You must’ve thought you got a freebie on this one, kid, but unfortunately it didn’t work out the way you wanted.

Just Deal With It

Just Deal With It


It looks like someone taught this kid early on that the world doesn’t owe you anything. I bet this child is really tough.

School Sucks

School Sucks

Source: Pinterest

Oh, you poor child: School only gets more difficult and confusing from here. But still, a lot of people can relate.

Math is the Answer

Math is the Answer

Source: Imgur

Well, the kid did use math to solve Problem 4, so what’s the problem? They got it right, too, so I see nothing wrong here.

Someone’s a Little Rude

Someone's a Little Rude

Source: Imgur

Man, you were so close to having the right answer, but you just had to go and be judgmental, huh? On a side note, though, what class is this test for?

It’s Not Wrong

It's Not Wrong

Source: Reddit

If not studious, these kids sure are clever. They should really get some extra-credit points for creativity!

A Future Activist

A Future Activist

Source: Reddit

I see where you’re coming from, pal. I bet this kid is out there now fighting the good fight for social justice.


He Talked in His Brain

He Talked in His Brain

Source: The Daily Caller

OK, this one definitely shouldn’t be marked incorrect. We all talk in our brains to come up with answers, don’t we?

Delicious Brains

Delicious Brains

Source: Reddit

This answer has me a little bit concerned about this child. Hopefully the kid doesn’t actually think brains are delicious. They’re right about cantaloupe, though.

Queen Mariah

Queen Mariah


Maybe this kid isn’t an expert on sound frequency, but at least they have good music taste, right? The hearts should’ve been bonus points, too.

Not the Same State

Not the Same State

Source: Pinterest

I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a dig at people from New Jersey, but it certainly comes off that way!

Chemistry and Communism

Chemistry and Communism

Source: Reddit

Again, technically, this is correct! Maybe this child won’t grow up to be a scientist, but they probably have a future in sociology or history.

“X” Marks the Wrong Answer


Who needs the pythagorean theorem when you can find the “x” right on your paper? Easy peasy.

So You Won’t Be a History Major

So You Won't Be a History Major

Source: Imgur

If you’re like me — terrible at remembering places and dates in history — then you’ll find this one especially satisfying. I know I did.

Gandhi Wouldn’t Be Proud

Gandhi Wouldn't Be Proud


I just imagine this child looking down at their test paper, not knowing the answer, and then writing this with a smug grin. Checkmate, teacher.

Or, or, or…

Or, or, or...

Source: Reddit

In this kid’s defense, I had a lot of trouble with those greater than and less than signs when I was younger, too. Well played, kid.



Source: Reddit

First of all, drawing the correct answer would have been super hard. Second of all, this may be my favorite drawing of all time.

Dream Big, Kid

Dream Big, Kid

Source: Imgur

This child has big dreams, and we shouldn’t stifle them. I believe in you, kid.

All There is to it

This kid got one of those annoying test questions that required them to show their work, but it appears that they got lazy and didn’t feel like explaining it further. I mean, you either know the answer or you don’t, right?

Found the ‘Office’ Fan

Hopefully the teacher was also a fan of The Office, otherwise this sassy answer probably didn’t go over very well!


Look, it’s totally okay to be passionate about one’s faith, but you know when it’s probably not so appropriate to profess that to the world? On a multiplication test.

Death is Just a Fact of Life

This kid understands that it’s not likely that he (or most people, for that matter) will end up living to see the ripe old age of 100. As such, he turned this assignment into an amusing little quip about being an undead entity.

Playing at Gender Stereotypes

This snarky answer is, of course, a jab at the stereotype that men tend to think they’re always right. We’re not saying it’s true, but we’re also not NOT saying it’s true…

Totally Heartless

Pretty sure the correct answer to this question is technically Darwin’s theory of evolution (can a biology expert please confirm or deny this?), but this student’s answer was simply pointing out that the two giraffes in the illustration are absolutely horrible for leaving their friend to die!

Seems Logical

Honestly, this kid’s got a point. Even adults still use their fingers to solve simple math equations sometimes (or every time), so this is a perfectly valid answer if you ask me.

All Alone

Never mind the biologically correct facts here, the first cells probably were pretty lonely. But then they found each other, so it all turned out okay!

Nobody Likes Algebra

Nobody likes algebra – especially Peter, who decided to take the word “expand” extremely literally on his exam. So, he did exactly what the problem asked of him and expanded the equation!

True That

Our question here is, why are the only verb options for this question “fit” and “hit”? That’s kind of messed up, is it not? At least this student was able to call out the animal abuse and put a more appropriate verb in place!

Deal With it

This student is demonstrating their resilience to difficult situations. Of course it’s okay to admit when you’re in a tough spot and you need some help, but sometimes you just need to get back up and keep going.

Frankie the Freeloader

Frankie, listen, you’re seven years old. This is the one time in your life where you’re allowed (and even encouraged) to be a freeloader. Just take advantage of it while you still can!

A Very Wholesome Answer

Come on, the teacher should’ve given this student a couple points just for their admirable optimism! Side note: gotta love that they included “pet rock” as an answer for the previous question.

Bobby is Thinking

This is yet another example of a test question that (annoyingly) asks students to show their thinking. This particular student took the question a bit too literally, and drew a picture of Bobby “thinking” about how he knows that he has more money than Amy. Clever!


This clever student was hoping that the teacher would be foolish enough to use their confirmation bias to believe that the student had actually picked the correct answer. Honestly though, this method seems like it’d be more work than just flipping a coin and having a 50/50 chance at being right!

Easy as Pie

Let’s just be brutally honest with ourselves right now: if you’re a student in America, there is approximately a zero percent chance that as an adult you will remember any of the metric system conversions that you learned in the third grade. Seriously, do you remember any of that stuff?


Yeah, didn’t think so.

We’ve Got a Cynic Here

This kid technically isn’t wrong, but sometimes it’s okay to use your imagination. Talk about cynical!

A First-World Anarchist

As you can see, this student is a certified first-world anarchist. While this stunt is amusing and clever, hopefully they didn’t get any points knocked off (or worse: get the whole test thrown out) for it!

Scary Ninja

This just goes to show that sometimes snarky, clever answers do win the teacher over and may even get you extra points in some cases!

‘I Am God’

I totally get that the point of this assignment is to build up the kids’ self-esteem by having them identify specifically what makes them special, but this kid might be a little too confident…

Can’t Get Caught Hungry!

There’s no guarantee that you’d have a consistent source of food if you were stranded on a desert island, so having a snac- I mean, “companion” along for the ride might end up being very beneficial to you in the end!

A Big Scary Bear

A Big Scary Bear

Source: Imgur

If you simply don’t want to answer a test question, all you have to do is draw a picture of a big scary bear over it and pretend you can’t see it. Have you ever thought of that before? It really is that easy, apparently.

Taking the Assignment VERY Literally

Honestly, this student should get extra credit for going above and beyond with this test question. I mean, you can’t get much more accurate in assuming the role of a Chinese immigrant than by actually writing the letter in Chinese. Now, hopefully it isn’t actually just full of profanity. I have no idea because I don’t speak Chinese…

The ‘Finish’ Flag

Okay come on, you have to admit that this is pretty clever. We’re hoping the teacher gave this student at least SOME credit for this hilarious answer, but the “No!!” response makes it look like that probably wasn’t the case!

That is Quite a Risk Indeed

This student did take a major risk by giving a short and snarky answer to this test question, but apparently it worked!

No House for You

In today’s world it’s nearly impossible to build a house without a.) destroying at least some resources and b.) going completely broke. This student understands that and apparently the teacher thought it was amusing, at the very least!

Is it Jesus or Bacon?

We previously saw that Jesus is always the answer, but now this student says that it’s actually bacon. So, which is it? Jesus or bacon? Asking the tough questions.

Instructions Unclear

Instructions Unclear

Source: Reddit

Either this student was being sassy, or the “read and complete” instructions simply weren’t clear to them. Either way, the teacher wasn’t buying it!

Alphabetical Order

This student should get a couple points simply for their creativity, and for the fact that they technically did the assignment right by showing that they do, in fact, understand how alphabetizing works!

Quadrilaterals Deserve Names Too

Hope gave these quadrilaterals some nice unique names instead of labeling them by boring titles like “rectangle” or “rhombus.” Although I have to say that “Tedison” was a rather interesting choice of name…