DIY Homemade Pools That’ll Really Make a Splash


On a hot summer’s day, there’s nothing better than a dip in an ice-cold pool. However, not everyone has a full pool in their backyard. While some may lament this, others take things into their own hands and build DIY homemade pools.

Some are made of high quality materials, while others area are built out of everything from household items, old boats and – in some cases quite literally – trash.

Have you ever considered building one of these yourself? Do you think you could match the …ahem… high standards of these DIY homemade pools? Be sure to let us know.


First off, we formally and fully support this day-drinking, Panama hat-wearing, eco-friendly vacationer. So what if he is standing in a giant recycle bin? If anything, he gets even more bonus points for choosing to save the world rather than travel around it. Sure, he could have chosen to drive or fly to the beach, but you know what? He chose to save the world by making his trip around the world in the pleasure of his own backyard.


Sometimes, when we declare something to be a “fail,” we don’t really mean fail, as in failure – it’s more about the “failure” of something not living up to your expectations. In reality, the thing itself may be inherently fine. This pool, composed of a standard stock tank, neatly surrounded by a stack of pavers, in the process of being filled, is actually quite beautiful. But as we expected a funny pool photo, complete with funny-looking people, this beautiful photo of just a pool is a fail. Did we get too introspective on this one?

Trash Race

When you’re out shopping with your mom, and she doesn’t have money for the toy you just saw and really want, but she knows you want it really, really bad, she’ll remember it. The problem is, because she still doesn’t have money, she’ll get you the cheap knock-off version, instead. This photo is that predicament… but involving a pool. Your mom will go out of her way to buy you two trash bags, one for you and one for your friend, and then tell you to fill both with water from the garden hose. And you will go out of your way to show that you appreciate your mom and that you’re a good son.


A homemade swimming pool really can’t be declared “homemade” if all you’re doing is filling a container, that’s already made – mind you, with water. Now, if this individual found a way to craft their own bathtub out of acrylic sheets, the same stuff most bathtubs are made out of today, then that would certainly be something worth sharing. All that said, using an old or trashed bathtub for a makeshift swimming pool isn’t the worst idea in the world…


Now this is the kind of country pool that deserves some recognition. If we try and visualize it out, we count about 16 hay bales. When arranged into a square (this could have been a sad lap pool, as well), and topped with a tarp, these two parts come together to create one amazingly cheap country-style swimming plaza. Just be careful, though. If you’re not keeping tabs on your friends at all times, one of them might ruin your “day at the pool” mentality, as seen here.

Does This Go Upstream?

As a bear, which you totally are as well, you realize that nature can sometimes be cruel. Perhaps that salmon you caught this morning managed to free itself right before you took that first breakfast bite. Cut to the present time and you just feel exhausted, spending the last few hours roaming around the forest. You decide to take a break and sit in the tiniest kiddie pool. Because you’re a bear, no one can tell if you’re pitying yourself or planning your next life goal.

‘It’s a Tarp’

Just so you know, that blue tarp is hiding a little secret. Cheap and ingenious, this relaxing gentlemen cut two wood pallets in half, screwed them together to form a square shape, and topped that simple shape with, yet another, multi-purpose tarp. We might be wrong, but we think the beer in his hands was the most expensive cost of this entire project. If you were to ask us what was hiding behind that second tarp, we would say a boat, but who can really know that for sure?

‘Get in Losers, We’re Going Swimming’

We bet you don’t know this, but if you leave a small pool in direct sunlight and then add a few warm bodies to the mix, you will actually end up with a hot tub? Plus, if you place this “hot tub” in the back of a wooden trailer, not only can you visit AND pick up friends, you can chase the sun for as long as your heart desires so that your hot tub never cools off.